CGN Next Chapter
A milestone
New Look
Enhanced experience
New concept
Proven safety
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New year – new chapter

From 1 January, the airport officially took over control of security checks for passengers and checked baggage from the federal police. To ensure that everything ran smoothly, a shadow operation had been in place since the beginning of October.

Initially, little has changed for passengers; the checks will be carried out as before by the previous security service provider. The changes are taking place in the background and will set the course for the future. Initially, formal control has been taken over, and in the long term the entire security check will be redesigned (see photos in the header).

More responsibility & a better passenger experience

From 1 January, the airport has taken over operational tasks in particular. For example, in the future it will control the security service provider's use of resources and respond to critical deviations in day-to-day business. The airport company is also responsible for the procurement and proper operation of the control technology, for example the security scanners. The federal police will continue to be responsible for defining the legal framework for the implementation of the controls and monitoring compliance with them. Initially, the airport will take over the existing infrastructure and the contract with the security service provider Securitas. In March 2025, the contract for the new security technology will be awarded, and probably in late summer for the security service provider from 2026. In autumn 2025, the gradual conversion of the security check will begin with a new concept that will be more pleasant, smarter and more efficient, offering a high quality of stay for passengers and employees.

New contract & larger team

At the end of November 2024, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the airport management signed the joint contract regulating the assumption of responsibility at a ceremony (see photos below). The first employees for the new ‘§ 5 Passenger & Bag Security’ department started in November and December, and the team grew again on 1 January 2025. In recent months, comprehensive training and quality assurance concepts have been developed, aviation security fees have been calculated, the call for tenders for the procurement of the most innovative control technology has been published, the call for tenders for security services from January 2026 has been prepared, preliminary planning for the conversion has been carried out, discussions have been held with airlines, and much more. So it remains exciting and the next chapters of the control takeover for an improved passenger experience are continuously being written. The airport is happy to take you on this journey.

Impressions of the mortgage document on 25 November 2024

Takeover of control from 2025

For the organisation, control and execution of aviation security checks and the calculation and billing of aviation security fees at Cologne/Bonn Airport.

The airport decides which approved control technology to use and can customise the layout of the lanes. Processes are managed more efficiently – from arrival to departure.

The responsibility for ensuring aviation security (Sections 16 and 17 of the Aviation Security Act), the definition of aviation security-related framework requirements, the protection of screening points and the patrolling of security areas.

Security checks will continue to be carried out by a security service provider with specially trained staff. The airport is working closely with the service provider.

Many partners and good co-operation

The airport would like to thank the project partners for their support and for the good co-operation during the implementation of CGN Next Chapter:

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