HomeCompanyOur responsibilitySustainability

More sustainable together. Every day.

Our understanding:

Sustainability is the global challenge of our time. We have also been working for many years to position ourselves as a sustainable airport. For us, sustainability means more than just climate protection. Yes, we are becoming CO2-neutral. But we want to think ahead and be sustainable in our dealings with people, with raw materials, with our environment and with our neighbourhood. Cologne/Bonn is becoming sustainable out of conviction. Climate neutrality is one of our corporate goals. We are fully aware that only a completely sustainable airport is an airport fit for the future.

Our goals:

  • CO2 emissions will be reduced by 65 per cent by 2030
  • The apron will be climate-neutral by 2035
  • The airport will be climate-neutral by 2045

Our path:

We are proud of what we have already achieved in terms of sustainability. But we also know how far we still have to go. That there are challenges that we can only solve together with our shareholders, together with the people in the Cologne/Bonn region. We will continue to make a reliable contribution to ensure that this succeeds. For a sustainable future in which Cologne/Bonn Airport is an indispensable building block of sustainable mobility that connects our region with the world.

Our five fields of action

Climate protection

  • Expansion of rooftop photovoltaic systems
  • Climate-neutral ice storage technology
  • Expansion of the hydrogen infrastructure

Noise protection

  • Current charging regulations promote daytime flight operations
  • Promotion of kerosene-saving and quieter aircraft types
  • Introduction of low-noise approach and departure procedures

Resource conservation

  • 20 million euros for the conservation of the Wahner Heide
  • Herds of sheep and goats graze the cultivated landscape
  • Own bee colonies for bio-monitoring of air pollutants

Social projects

  • Promotion of associations in the neighbourhood
  • Cooperation with the "Donate your deposit" initiative in the terminals
  • Support for the Cologne food banks and other social projects

Mobility of the future

  • Modernisation of the airport infrastructure 
  • Offering sustainable SAF aviation fuel and HVO diesel
  • Promotion of public transport through job tickets

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