HomeCompanyThe companyCorporate management

Corporate management

Foto: Thilo Schmid Dipl.-Kfm.

Thilo Schmid Dipl.-Kfm.

CEO, President

Foto: Cenk Özöztürk

Cenk Özöztürk


Business units

Sales & Marketing
Tobias Lyssy

Ground Services
Sebastian Lindner


Commercial Activities
Silke Horemans

Real Estate
Armin Wittershagen

Central divisions

Dr. Bernhard Steinmetz

André Wegmann

Human Resources

Information Technology
Sebastian Müller

Martin Dall

Volker Steingroß

Staff units

Health and safety at work
Thorsten Schiffer

Internal audit/compliance
Alexander Hilgert

Data protection
Holger Blume

Corporate communication
Alexander Weise

Corporate development
Raphael Scho

Area with direct reporting line to management

Egbert Bödecker

Works Council

Frank Lebensorger

The Works Council consists of 17 members (including 5 employees on leave).

Supervisory Board

The airport company has a Supervisory Board consisting of 15 members. The Supervisory Board is made up of ten shareholder representatives and five employee representatives. The Federal Government, the State of Cologne and the City of Cologne each have three seats on the Supervisory Board, while the other shareholders together have one seat. The members of the Supervisory Board are elected by the shareholders' meeting, unless they are elected as employee representatives (Section 4 of the One-Third Participation Act).

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Prof Klaus-Dieter Scheurle

1st Deputy Chairwoman
Alexandra Cahn

2nd Deputy Chairman
Arndt Klocke

3rd Deputy Chairman
Dr Rudolf Gridl

City of Cologne: 31.12 %
Federal Republic of Germany: 30.94 %
State of North Rhine-Westphalia: 30.94 %
City of Bonn: 6.06 %
Rhein-Sieg district: 0.59 %
Rheinisch-Bergisch district: 0.35 %

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