Airport in pictures

The images may be used for editorial and private purposes, provided the source (name of photographer:in/Cologne Bonn Airport) is acknowledged. Graphic changes are prohibited (except cropping of the main motif).

If you would like to use images for commercial purposes or require additional image material for journalistic reporting, please contact the press office.

[Translate to English:] Neue Brücke am Scheuermühlenteich

[Translate to English:] Auf der Brücke: Mitglieder des Bürgervereins Wahn-Wahnheide-Lind um den Vorsitzenden Gerhard Möller (2.v.r.) und Volker Steingroß (4.v.r.), Leiter Politik und Nachhaltigkeit am Köln Bonn Airport.

Foto: [Translate to English:] Köln Bonn Airport

4240 x 2832, JPEG (1 MB)

Inclusion team FC Germania Zündorf

3000 x 2250, JPEG (1 MB)

Königsforst Eurowings CEO Jens Bischof (left) and airport manager Thilo Schmid launched the joint project, in which 6,000 trees will be planted in the Königsforst near Cologne.

1748 x 1125, JPEG (1 MB)
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