Use of drones near airports
Drones are becoming increasingly popular. However, drone operations are generally prohibited within a radius of 1.5 kilometres of German airports (§21a LuftVO). Otherwise, there is a risk of imprisonment and fines (§315 StGB).
Drone flights with prior special authorisation from German air traffic control and the Düsseldorf district government are an exception. If photos and videos are taken with the drone, permission must also be obtained from the airport's marketing department.
The most important rules on the use of drones are provided by German Air Traffic Control on its website. A self-test shows whether the planned drone flight is permitted. The page contains the link to apply for air traffic control authorisations.
For Android and iOS users, DFS also provides a free app on the regulations for drone flights. There is also information on drone use on the website of the Düsseldorf district government.